Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Arguably Debatable: The Journey Begins

Brackets.  The word just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?  Brack-ets.  Brackets.

There's nothing like a good bracket to get the blood flowing.  Don't let its mild appearance fool you.  It is structured chaos, a thin veil of control over the tempestuous tides of competition.  In between those letters and geometric lines, a battle is fought.  A war is waged.  A score is settled.

When my friend Kurt approached me with this project to create brackets for everything, a systematic method of finding the absolute greatest member of any group, I knew I had to do it.  For truth.

We like brackets for how they distill everything down to its very essence, the best representative, the purest form.

Because, ultimately, there can be only one.  Like Highlander.  Man, that Christopher Lambert deserved a bigger career.

Uncertainty plagues our time.  Economies rise and fall.  Mayhem and destruction grip the globe.  But through that din and haze, a shining beacon pierces through.  Here, good reader, you will find the truth.  Definitive.  Unequivocal.  Inarguable.

Actually, well, I suppose that's debatable.

Here's how it works:

Kurt and I will select a group of something.  It could be anything, but it needs to have distinct individual members making it up. This group will be divided into two "leagues", with the winner of each league meeting in the finals.

We'll debate between ourselves and produce the list of randomly seeded individuals who made it to the "Playoffs."

These challengers will compete until, again like Highlander, there can be only one.  And isn't Sean Connery good in it?  You're like, "Whoa, what's he doing in this?"  Great flick.

In the unlikely event that we have differing opinions, a special guest judge will hear our arguments and make a final ruling. The winner moves on and the loser is stuck with the shame of not advancing in this hypothetical internet match-up.

Along the way, we'll offer our rationale, our reasoning on why some made it and why others didn't, and how we feel about the final result.

And you, reader, will enjoy the safety and security of knowing that two guys spent a considerable chunk of time debating whether Ren is better than Stimpy.

God speed to us all.


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